Belgium: Adelbert I, Georges Timmermans, Jean Baptiste Piron, Maximilien de Neve de Roden, Victor Billet, Victor van Strydonck de Burkel.Austria: Alfred Jansa, Alfred Klahr, Eduard Barger, Erhard Raus, Franz Böhme, Franz Dinghofer, Friedrich Adler, Friedrich Materna, Georg von Trapp, Heinrich Pergler von Perglas, Julius Ringel, Karl Eglseer, Karl Renner, Lothar Rendulic, Ludwig von Eimannsberger, Pierre Ramus, Sigismund Schilhawsky, Wilhelm Miklas, Wilhelm Zehner.Assyria: Agha Petros, Dawid d’Mar Shimun, Shimun XXI Eshai.

Armenia: Berç Kerestecıyan, Hamazasp Babadzhanian.Adjusted the Africa loading screen to match the new situation.New flags for Alash Orda, the Commune of France, Illyria, National France, the Ottoman Empire and Ulster.New focus icons for Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Mittelafrika, Peru, the Union of Britain and Venezuela.Expeditionary Forces no longer count towards the division limit.Russia’s foreign policy has been overhauled to accompany the changes to the Middle East and the Caucasus.Completely reworked the Commune of France’s generals, admirals, and military ministers.We hope you enjoy the changes and have fun playing Kaiserreich! We’ve also spent time working on other changes, such as letting you recall volunteers, along with many bug fixes and performance improvements. The Ottoman rework has been teased for a long time so I know you’ll be happy to hear it is finally here and ready for you to enjoy! Not only that, but the National France rework comes with it two, along with several other new focus trees.